Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April 3, 2007

Dear Journal,
Today has gone well. As you well know I have a topic. It is my Favorite Movie!!! My favorite movie is 8 Mile!!! If you are a little kid you can not watch this movie!!! It is about a teenager who trys to live in a new enviroment and he trys to fit in!!! Well I have another favorite movie too!!! It is Eight Below!!! It is about a sled dog team who trys to help this professional scientist go up the biggest mountain in Alaska and find a rock that they think is a meteor. Then their owner gets frost bite and he has to go back to the United States because he has to have it treated by a doctor before he loses his fingers. Then his friends tell him that after he is out of the hospital then they would fly back to Alaska and they would get the dogs. The top amount of days that the dogs are there they have 163 days or something like that. Well I would tell oyu more but I don't want to give it away. So BYE!!!


vandalin11 said...
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wonderfred said...
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