Monday, April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007

Dear Journal,
Today I am going to write about what I am going to do over the summer. I am probably going to swim at the town pool. I have never been there so I am going to see what it is like. I am going to visit relatives and things like that. Also I am going to have to celebrate my birthday which is on May 23!!! I am really excited. One of my friends birthdays is 2 days after that and so I am excited about that too. Well for the rest of the summer I am probably going to hang out with friends or be bored. Well that is all I have to say for now. TTYL!


stingray said...

Hye bubbles. I think that it is really cool that we might get to spend our birthdays together. Well you had a good blog today. This is all I really have to talk about today.

Hippie girl said...

Don't get too bored. Peace!

i am the ling ling' said...

hey meet me at thej pool one day.ttyl!

angelanna said...

Hey that si kool tha you and trisha are going to cecebrate your on the sme day!

Hippie girl said...

Comment me! I am lonely! Please!

stingray said...

Hey bubbles sorry you don't have that many comments. Oh bert she is going to meet me at the pool one day.