Thursday, March 29, 2007

March 29, 2007

Dear Journal,
Today I hvae had a good day. I am going to talk to you about American Idol!!! I love that show!!! Well I don't know all that much about American Idol but if you click on hte highlighted word you will find out on a bunch of new news on American Idol. Well that is all I have to say for now about American Idol!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

March 28, 2007

Dear Journal,
Today I am going to tell you about Hunting. I like to hunt. Well do you want to know some stuff about hunting? Well if you click on the highlighted word then it will tell you all about hunting. Well that is all I have to say for today so good bye!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 27, 2007

Dear Journal,
Today I am going to tell you about BigFoot. If you want to learn about BigFoot then you can click on the highlighted w0rd. Well I am going to tell you what I know about BigFoot. What I know is that he is supposed ot be an ape. And he is supposed to be a really big. Well that is all I have to say for today. So Good Bye!!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

March 26, 2007

Dear Journal,
Today I am going to talk about
UFO's. Well UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Objects. An unidentified flying object, or UFO, is any real or apparent flying object which cannot be identified by the observer and which remains unidentified after investigation. Well if you click on the highlighted word you will go to a site that tells you about all of the information on UFO's. Well that is all I have to say about UFO's. So have a nice day.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 22, 2007

Dear Journal,
Well today I have had a good day. And I hope it stays that way. I have had a better friendship with my friends than I ever have before. Except for in the beggining of the school year. I am so excited because tonight is the dance and I really looking forward to the dance. A couple of my friends made a bet that one of them would get asked to dance at the dance. But we haven't seen yet!!! Well that is all I have had to say for now so good bye!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

March 21, 2007

Dear Journal,
Today I have had a good day! So far I have had no problems. Well today I have nothing to talk about but thank you for listening, well in this case reading, to me talk and write about my life in school and stuff. Well see ya' later. BYE!!!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March 20, 2007

Dear Journal,
I am so happy because today is the first day of Spring. I am so ready for spring and summer. I am happy because I don't have to start worrying about anything like my friends and stuff because I am finally figuring out who my true friends are. They are Banana, Stingray, and a bunch of other kids that are in my class. Well that is all I have to say for today!Bye!

Sincerely your friend,

Monday, March 19, 2007

March 19, 2007

Dear Journal,
Today I have had a pretty good day except I got into a fight with one of my teachers. She said that I wasn't helping with anything at all. And that I wasn't playing the game right and a bunch of other stuff. I got really mad at her. Well that is the exciting stuff that happened today. Over the weekend I had a Music Festival. I sang my solo and the judge said that I did very nice. I got a 1. Which is the best score you can get. It means Superior. I was very happy. Well thanks for giving me a chance to tell you about this wonderful day of mine!!! Bye!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

March 16, 2007

Dear Blog,
Today I have had a good day. I can't wait for tomorrow because it is the Music Festival and I am singing a solo. I am very nervous but then again very excited. Well, hope you have fun and don't live your life like mine. Just kidding.
